Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hong Kong: day 2

Day 2 we explored the city a bit. We walked through Central Hong Kong for hours- there are so many streets and alleys, you could walk all day and still not have seen everything. 

There are quite a few EXTREMELY fancy malls in Hong Kong. We felt very out of place in them, but enjoyed walking through the air conditioning and looking at all of the things we'll never be able to buy. Also, we liked to use the fancy mall bathrooms.

In the double-decker trams. Public transport is extremely affordable in HK, which is awesome.

Man Mo Temple

With HUGE incense

Mao paraphernalia = awesome
It's a party! These are things a lot of stands on the street sell. 

After being in Hunan for a while, we were accustomed to Hunan food prices... To other tourists we met from the West, the food seemed so cheap in Hong Kong! For us... well we searched for hours on end to find restaurants with prices we found semi-acceptable. As a comparison, you can find a good meal for about 1-2 US dollars in Hunan; Hong Kong we usually ended up eating at places where a meal cost 3-5 US dollars... I guess in hindsight that really doesn't seem so bad... but it felt like a rip-off to us.

Love this guy. HK had some pretty great street art.

Really cool store. When I'm rich, I will come back here and buy everything.

Hong Kong island is extremely steep and there are stairs everywhere! It's a good city to stay fit in.

The line we waited in for 2 1/2 hours to take the Peak Tram up to Victoria Peak... it was draining. Also, it turns out we could've walked up a path to the peak. NEXT TIME, HONG KONG. NEXT TIME.

Tired of standing... so we'll squat.

The view from Victoria Peak <3

The line to take the Peak Tram back down was of course enormously long again, and we had no desire of standing another 2 hours. Once we were at the top, we found out we could have just walked up (!!! grr), so we decided to simply walk down. Unfortunately, we had paid for a roundtrip ticket. Live and learn.

It's crazy the slopes these people live on.
Once at the bottom, we needed to get food in our bellies ASAP. This was a good reward. 
Bank of China tower

I just love those double decker trams

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