Tuesday, September 1, 2015

More on First week

Walking up the hill
The temple at the top of the hill

Ah, smog...

The mountains are calling... and I want to go

Sure let me take this path back... (it ended in a locked gate)

My liaison and his adorable daughter Smile

Huarong- possibly one of my favorite pictures I have taken so far

They have huge plans for this lake

Another favorite picture... not quite sure why, but it just captures Huarong.

Same street as before- I just really love this street.

The plans for the lake. When I walked into the building, not really sure what to expect, EVERYONE inside surrounded me for a good 10 minutes talking and talking to me even though I just stared blankly at everyone, then I was brought water and beckoned to look at the entire model from every angle. Because I'm the foreigner.
Eventually this is supposed to look like the model above- super city.

...but I like how it is now

On my bike ride into nowhere

I will bike to you someday

Drying corn?

Oh yeah sure this bridge is safe.

For some reason I found this hysterical... The ducks/geese (?) were basically on top of each other they were so close. What a team.

I have seen a lot of this in Huarong. Right behind and in front of this dilapidated little house with people working in their little field are big apartment buildings. 


  1. Well I for one am eager to see how a half-complete integration of a master plan becomes part of the integral character of this city.

    this is literally "Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture" in progress

  2. Well I for one am eager to see how a half-complete integration of a master plan becomes part of the integral character of this city.

    this is literally "Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture" in progress

  3. once again - loved the photos and comments - esp. the hair story. how are the classes going? also love the ducks.... and your sense of humor... Nancie
